Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Principal of the Path

We are starting a new book this week called "The Principal of the Path" by Andy Stanley.


Our hope, as we read this book, is that everyone can take a fresh look at the road their marriage is on and by trusting and abiding in Jesus we can gain clear direction for our lives. Remember, direction (NOT intention) determines the outcome.

Pray Naked

Ashley came up with this tool for praying for our spouses. The idea is to laminate this list and hang it in the shower where we can intentionally take time each day to pray specifically for one thing on the list. It had powerful impact on me personally to know that my wife was praying these things over me everyday. As couples we need to keep finding ways to take each other to Jesus, it is critical for a healthy marriage.

  1. Give them a hunger and thirst for righteousness
  2. Protect them from harm at work today
  3. Place in their lives a Godly mentor.
  4. Stabilize their thoughts and give them a mind that is grounded in Godly truth
  5. Their physical health
  6. A desire to increase in wisdom and knowledge of God
  7. His/her influence at work. To be a Godly example to others.
  8. Keep him (her) from relationships that would not glorify God
  9. Our intimacy SPIRITUALLY
  10. Our intimacy OF MIND
  11. Our PHYSICAL intimacy
  12. For them to feel loved and accepted
  13. His/her desire to glorify God in the work they do
  14. Understanding his/her unique design and how that can bring God glory
  15. Release and healing of past hurts or strongholds
  16. Place in him/her THE JOY OF THE LORD. May it become their strength
  17. Teach me how to love them; in a way that nurtures them and brings glory to YOU
  18. His/her ability to trust God with our finances and provision
  19. To be attracted to holiness and purity
  20. Break generational curses that are preventing FULL RELATIONSHIPS
  21. Give us a UNITED VISION for our future and the direction for our family
  22. Teach them to RELY ON THE LORD and place their hope in HIM
  23. Pray against any fear in their lives that will keep them from GOD
  24. To be filled with discernment and compassion in their relationships
  25. Give them a heart for those who are lost
  26. Teach them to value what God values
  27. Thank God for them and their uniqueness. And Thank Him for his wisdom in joining you two together
  28. Multiply their rest and energy for the next day
  29. Comfort them as they mourn any unfulfilled desires
  30. Give him/her opportunity to use the gifts you have given them to bless someone today.

How to Pray for your WHOLE Spouse

Selfishness effects so many our our relationships, reactions and responses to things. Relative to a marriage, God first turns many of us away from ourselves toward our spouse. He uses that primary relationship to "train" us. Eventually His purposes emerge and, in unity, the married couple's hearts are again turned outward toward the family, then the community and ultimately toward the world. If we remain in our selfishness our lives are spent looking inward where we are blinded to our ultimate goals of mission and bringing glory to God.


A.C.T.S. Prayer Model

Adoration - Spend time praising the Lord and adoring Him for who he is (Matt. 6:9). Use Scripture to praise Him (see Pss. 103, 145, 150; Rev. 4:8; 5:12-14). Love and cherish His presence and allow Him to work in and through your life (see Matt. 22:32-34). Be still before Him and enjoy His presence (see Ps. 46:10). Use this time to allow God to speak to you through His Word and Spirit (see Pss. 40:1-3; 90:12-17). Praise the Lord by praying scripture or hymns back to Him (see Ps. 84; Rev. 4:8; 5:9-10, 12-13 and "Great is Thy Faithfulness").

Confession - Confession should be a part of your continual walk with Christ (see Matt. 6:9-13). Spend time asking Christ to search your heart for areas that displease Him (see Ps. 139:23-24). Allow God to cleanse your heart of any unconfessed sin (see Ps. 51:10-13). Be sure to spend time confessing and repenting of (turning away from) specific sins (see 1 John 1:9). Accept His forgiveness and cleansing (see Jer. 31:34).

Thanksgiving - Giving thanks for all things should be a part of our everyday lives as God's people (see Phil. 4:6-7). This includes thanking God for specific things such as blessings, people, open doors, guidance, etc. Also give thanks for His salvation and the privilege to serve such a wonderful Savior. Thank Him for his goodness, loving-kindness, and faithfulness (see Ps. 100:4-6).

Supplication - We are called as believers to intercessory prayer (see Matt. 6:9-13; Luke 18:1; Col. 4:2; 1 Tim. 2:1-4). Thus, we are to come before God on behalf of others (see Heb. 10:19-25; Rev. 1:4-6). Spend time praying for specific people, events, states, countries, missionaries, etc. (see Acts 12:5; Rom. 10:1). In addition, spend time praying for personal needs (see Matt. 6:11-13). Make prayer lists for your time of supplication. Be sure to include a place for answers to be recorded. Recorded answers can become items for praise and thanksgiving.


Pray for YOURSELF. Lord, open my eyes, open my heart, change my heart. Sometimes it's good to start by praying silently and ask the Spirit to quiet your heart and pray through you. Ask God to make known His desires for you and your spouse.

Pray for their SPIRIT. Closeness to God, needs, calling, gifts, ask the Lord to encourage them. You can ask for strength, boldness and a willing heart to obey the Lord's leading.





Pray for their BODY. For their physical needs to be met. If there are any health problems or struggles.





Pray for their MIND. Ask the Lord for help, and to remind him/her of the authority we have against the thoughts that would try to bring us down, make us depressed or bring discouragement and despair.

Pray for their material needs. Ask God to help where needed. Ask God to provide.





Pray for their DREAMS and DESIRES. Those dreams may really be a glimpse into the will of God for their life.





Pray in the name of JESUS. When you pray in the name of Jesus, and know what you are praying is the will of God, and that your prayers will be answered. Pray in faith, believing that your prayers are heard. God knows our thoughts and needs but responds to our prayers.